In a recent Gartner survey, 45% of organisations experienced third-party-related business interruptions. This is despite the increased investments in third-party cybersecurity risk management (TPCRM) over the last two years.

“Third-party cybersecurity risk management is often resource-intensive, overly process-oriented and has little to show for in terms of results,” said Zachary Smith, Sr principal research at Gartner. “Cybersecurity teams struggle to build resilience against third party-related disruptions and to influence third party-related business decisions.”
Effective TPCRM depends on delivery of three outcomes
Successful management of third-party cybersecurity risk depends on the security organisation’s ability to deliver three outcomes – resource efficiency, risk management resilience and influence on business decision-making. However, enterprises struggle to be effective in two out of those three outcomes, and only 6% of organisations are effective in all three (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Security organisations’ ability to deliver on three outcomes for effective TPCRM

Four actions to manage third-party cybersecurity risks
Based on the survey findings, Gartner identified four actions that security and risk management leaders must take to increase their effectiveness in managing third-party cybersecurity risk. The survey found that organisations that implemented any of these actions saw a 40-50% increase in TPCRM effectiveness.
These actions include:
Regularly review how effectively third-party risks are communicated to the business owner of the third-party relationship: Chief information security officers (CISOs) need to regularly review how well the business understands their messaging around third-party risks to ensure they are providing actionable insights around those risks.
Track third-party contract decisions to help manage risk acceptance by business owners: Business owners will often choose to engage with a third party even if they are well-informed about associated cybersecurity risks. Tracking decisions helps security teams align compensating controls for risk acceptances and alerts security teams to particularly risky business owners that may require greater cybersecurity oversight.
Conduct third-party incident response planning (e.g., playbooks, tabletop exercises): Effective TPCRM goes beyond identifying and reporting cybersecurity risks. CISOs must ensure the organisation has strong contingency plans in place to prepare for unexpected scenarios and to be able to recover well in the wake of an incident.
Work with critical third parties to mature their security risk management practices as necessary: In a hyperconnected environment, a critical third party’s risk is also an organisation’s risk. Partnering with critical third parties to improve their security risk management practices helps promote transparency and collaboration.